Protect Your Mouth » Jaw Aches & Migranes

The way your teeth meet when your top and bottom jaws close down on top of each other is known as your ‘bite’. If your teeth don’t fit together properly, you could have malocclusion or ‘bad bite’, which can cause problems with your teeth, gums, the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles in your face.

This misalignment, often referred to as TMJ disorder, can also cause some people to clench the jaw and grind their teeth at night. This can lead to facial pain, headaches, discomfort and clicking when biting or chewing, migraines as well as neck and shoulder pain, and even back pain.

If you recognise any of these symptoms or suffer with these on a daily basis, you will need to see a dentist to treat your problems or to refer you to a specialist if necessary. Treatment can include the following:

  1. Impressions of your teeth are taken to create a customised plastic appliance that fits over your teeth and is worn at night.
  2. When the device is worn, your teeth are in a position where your facial muscles are relaxed, preventing grinding and taking the pressure off your TMJ.
  3. The device also protects the teeth, preventing them from becoming worn down by grinding.

Depending on the origin and severity of your problem, you may need orthodontic treatment or maxillofacial surgery. Other solutions may include replacing missing teeth or adjusting any ill-fitting bridgework that you may have. The most important thing to do is to see your dentist as soon as possible so that your problem does not become worse over time and require more drastic measures to correct.

Jaw Aches & Migranes

Life Benefits

  • Alleviated facial and TMJ pain, including a reduction in headaches.
  • Prevention of extensive tooth wear.
  • Enhanced quality of sleep.


Cerezen is a revolutionary medical device that effectively treats jaw pain and symptoms associated with teeth grinding and clenching. These conditions are often collectively known as Temporomandibular Disorders or TMD. The two custom-made, 3D printed hollow inserts sit in each ear canal; the nearest access point to the temporomandibular joint. While the pain relief Cerezen provides is profound, the inserts themselves are almost invisible. With small tabs for easy insertion and removal, they're comfortable to wear because they're made only for you.


The traditional treatment for TMD and associated symptoms is a bite splint. But most patients do not like wearing them because they are cumbersome and can really only be worn at night. Bite splints are more of a temporary solution and only mask the real problems caused by TMD. As a new innovation, Cerezen's main advantage is that it permanently prevents the problems through it's unique in-ear placement. It is non-invasive, comfortable and discreet enabling it to be worn day and night with no impact on lifestyle. So why put up with traditional methods that don't solve the problem when you can have new technology that will?

When you move your jaw, your ear canal also opens and closes. As the ear canal is so close to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), it makes the perfect place to target the source of your symptoms. When your customised Cerezen devices are inserted into the ear canal, they retain the shape of your ear canal in the open jaw position because they are made from a 3D printed rigid material. They effectively encourage the jaw to return to an 'open bite' position. The result is a reduction in grinding and clenching and the amount of pain you experience.


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